Monday 31 October 2011

V.A.G Rounded

I have created two posters today for V.A.G Rounded for my Typographical project. First, I researched into th typeface to find out when, where and who it was created by. I then found out it was created by Volkswagen and then i started to design my poster using the Volkswagen logo to show who and then i placed in my text.

Friday 14 October 2011

Personal Statement

My name is Ethan Kurylo and I am currently at Canterbury College studying Graphic Design Level 3 National Diploma. At the moment I an achieving a Merit grade on my course and hoping to achieve distinction or high merit.
Throughout my education I have been interested in sports. Throughout year 7 to year 9, it was compulsory to learn either French or Spanish as a language for SATs that will be sort of useful in Spanish spoken countries. I have also achieved knowledge on my IT skills as for my course in Graphic Design I frequently use Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to create posters, page layouts, stamps, cards and post cards. For my personal achievement while on this course is coming runner up in a Paperchase competition where we had to design a Christmas card for them to use in their shops to be sold worldwide.
When I was in secondary0 school, I studied at Chaucer Technology School and I went off to do work experience with a computer graphic design company where they showed me how to design posters on Illustrator and also how to create a 3D image of buildings and the sky they design for game companies. I gained the knowledge of how to create different poster design to fit different sizes and to print large sizes without distorting. Also that to create a 3D world takes hours of time and is very complicated.
In graphic design, I enjoy working on creating posters on the Macs for different style of art form. For example, my favourite art form I like doing a poster for is either a retro poster as they have very curved lines and bright colours, with a lot of natural things drawn in. I also like doing a Propaganda poster in the style of Shepherd Fairey as he uses dark colours it and it gets the message across about war and democracy.
My personal experiences that led me to Graphic Design was my drawing skill and how it was easy for me to pick things up on the Mac to create things on programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. I also have always been fascinated in the design aspect of how magazine have been created and how they do set up to capture images for their column.
My plan for the end of this college year is to get a full time job. During these last 3 years at college I feel I have gathered enough information, skills and confidence to move on and get started with my life. I’m still unsure of what I want to do later on in my life but for now my goal is to get a full time job, secure enough money and move out with my other half. Ideally in the future I would like a job in the graphic design industry or gaming design industry but for the time being while I’m young I would like to focus on getting my life started.

Friday 7 October 2011

Beretun Designs

For this I have been doing a seperate project to design a sign of a knife, plate and fork using text to fit the shapes. I decided for my font to have boris black bloxx as the typeface and have all the letters Uppercase so it would stand out and look better. For my first one, I decided to do a grey text and then have a white background. For the second one, I decided to have a black background and white text.

Olympic Stamp Designs

Here I have done some Olympic stamp designs where I have created two olympic and one paralympic. I decided for my first Olympic stamp I would do hurdles in a stroboscopic effect and then have the body as a silhoutte. My next stamp I did was the tennis one where I too a photo of the ball up close and the tennis court behind it to create a simple but effective design. For my Paralympic stamp, I decided to do a close up shot of the sprinter Oscar Pistorius on the starting steps.