Friday 29 June 2012

Kids Activity Week

This week, I was involved in doing a Kids Activity week for children from reception upto year 6, where they would come in and have a tour around college and fill out an activity pack with word searches, drawings etc. For the Graphic side of the room, we set up 4 tables of which they could make torches,  create medals, draw a Olympic Character, and using cups, paint and a white canvas they would put rings all over to fill the canvas. The torches and medals they were creating, they drew anything they wanted that was relevant to the Olympics, and then they were allowed to take them home with them. The drawing an Olympic Character task, they would draw anything they wanted using a circle we printed of for them, and when they were done we kept them to enter their designs in a competition where they would win a prize. On the Art and Design side of the room, they were creating clay medals and clay sculptors that would then be put on the floor on paper which created a Olympic town.

Friday 15 June 2012

Bereton Posters

Here are two of my Bereton Poster designs that were chosen to be put up in the bereton restaurant in the college. I designed for mine, a cork screw and knife, fork and plate created out of words.

Xbox 360 Poster

Here I have done a Xbox 360 poster inspired by Shepard Fairey. For this poster, I decided to do my hand holding the controller so that it looked like a fist. I got this idea when flicking through propaganda books that had old World War 1 and 2 posters inside, and from that I saw the fist that were used mostly by Russians that represented power, strength and respect. I then used Shepard Fairey's style of his Obama Hope poster and used that to create my hand, background and text. I decided for colours to use colours used with Xbox so that it went with what I was creating, and the colours I chose were green and red in different shades. I also decided to use the strapline which is used in Xbox, that is 'Jump In'.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Olympic Stamp Design

 Here I have done a stamp for the Olympics and Royal Mail. I designed this stamp to match the 2 other stamp that I created previously which were the paralympic and tennis stamps. I decided to create this new one of hurdles as the one I created previously of hurdles didn't match the first two, so I took the idea of hurdles and created my stamp of a close up of a athlete jumping over a hurdle.

Monday 21 May 2012

Xbox 360 Surface Graphic Design idea

Here I have designed a surface graphic for my Xbox 360 Packaging in the style of Shepard Fairey. For this, I first found an image of the sea and then opened it up large to A3 on Photoshop. I then used a wacom tablet to draw the waves, rocks and clouds using the paint tool. Once I done that, I saved it and then opened the drawing on Illustrator, then I highlighted it and went to Object - Live Trace - make to get the document to be an individual line. Then I highlighted it again and went to Object - Live Paint - Make so it would be possible for me to add colour into different parts quickly and neatly. I then used the Live Paint Bucket and chose a colour and then started adding colour into the sections I wanted too colour. I then placed in my hand holding an Xbox Controller which was inspired by Shepard Fairey's Hope poster and moved and resized until it was in the right position.

FMP Posters